
maverick philosopher

i have been doing a lot of reading about philosophy and appologetics the last while, thanks to my brother-in-law's brother-in-law. a recent addition to my links section has been that of the maverick philosopher. i have enjoyed reading a number of his blog posts. it's pretty heavy stuff, so be warned! thankfully he seems to be towards my way of thinking (as much as i've read so far anyways ;-) i hope to learn lots from his site. i would definitely recommend. his refutations of naturalism, scientism, positivism and relativism are brain expanding and welcome. enjoy!


Anonymous said...

what's this maverick guy writing? I can't view it at CL cause the firewall blocks it... unacceptable use... etc....


John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Hey - have you got the book yet?

Let me know what you think.
