
i am a christian

following my own admonition of a month back i want to share what i believe and why.

i believe there is one God. i believe that Jesus is his son.

currently my evidences consist of the Bible, testimony contained therein, and external historical evidences corroborating it's claims.

ah... summer...

the summer dresses
flowers twirling on parade
forgotten things stir


arnold retires!?

i guess that it happens to all of us. after a time we want to retire. arnold robinson, bass for the nylons has retired. i have many fond memories of singing along to his parts; even won an air-band competition with some friends with 'love potion #9'. below is the post from the nylons site.

After 26 wonderful years with The Nylons Arnold Robinson has decided to move on to the next stage of his life and retire as the bass singer for the group. His career with The Nylons has taken him to all corners of the earth and enriched his life with a world of experience and fond memories.

Arnold will have an ongoing interest in the group and will be supportive as The Nylons continue their legacy in performance and on record.

Arnold can be reached at arobi44@yahoo.com regarding his activities in stage presentation and consulting.

The group has always been greater than the sum of its parts and The Nylons will continue as a premier force in the world of vocal music.

- nylons


ad eminem?

no... ad hominem! for someone who is new to the critical thinking field as a formal area of study with all kinds of jargon, it's cool to find terms for stuff that makes sense!

basically it goes like this. so-and-so says "bla". someone who doesn't agree with so-and-so says they're a moron so bla can't be true. how often does this happen? and in all kinds of situations? it can go the otherway too. so-and-so says "bla". they are instead a great person, so bla must be true. how often does that happen?

the problem with this kind of reasoning is that whether or not so-and-so is a moron/genius, "bla" must be proven/disproven by logical means. maybe the moron is right for once and the genius is wrong!?

basically i guess we could look at it this way... truth is truth whatever the source.

link to wikipedia for ad hominem


where have the real men gone?

today i offer for your enjoyment a short quote from the book that my wife bought me for father's day.
Society at large can't make up its mind about men. Having spent the last thirty years redefining masculinity into something more sensitive, safe, manageable and, well, feminine, it now berates men for not being men. Boys will be boys, they sigh. As though if a man were to truly grow up he would forsake wilderness and wanderlust and settle down, be at home forever in aunt polly's parlor. "Where are all the real men?" is regular fare for talk shows and new books. You asked them to be women, i want to say. The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world. How can a man know he is one when his highest aim is minding his manners?
-john eldredge, wild at heart

men and women are different. i think that it's time that society recognize that instead of trying to squish us all into some kind of androgynous mold as though there is nothing different about us except our hardware.