
life without a fridge

i know that we had a tough time getting used to the small refrigerators here in the uk. how on earth did people survive before the power grid and vapor compression heat exchangers? here's a clue...

fridge-less living

the really simple life

now here is an inspiring example of simple living... looks more like camping year round! don't think it would work too well with kids though. also a little too cold in canada; but well worth the read.

"We must achieve the character and acquire the skills to live much poorer than we do. We must waste less. We must do more for ourselves and each other. It is either that or continue merely to think and talk about changes that we are inviting catastrophe to make."

Wendell Berry, from the essay "Word and Flesh," What Are People For? North Point Press, 1990

Living Outside the Box


engineers without borders

hey, now here we go - 'geers getting in there and helping people! too bad they didn't have this when i was in school....

EWB Canada

technology challenging poverty

here is a great bunch. sustainable use of technology to reduce poverty and it's effects (food and clean water are two big ones) throughout the developing world

Practical Action

it's hard to find ways to use engineering to benefit those who could really use it. maybe there are some organizations like this in canada!?


3 men were made martyrs in turkey

what is most amazing is the widow is asking people to forgive the perps
