
Gridblog: Generosity

due to receiving another of God's great gifts into our lives, i haven't been spending much time on the computer at all. other than uploading pix of our new family member from the camera, i really haven't had a desire to get an lcd-tan.

being that i'm getting pale, and friends are slagging me for my lack of picture posting on the family site, i'm online. and hey - a gridblog topic has been announced! and so i will add a short rambling to the group.

generosity should be encouraged - at a personal level. none of this left wing "have the government take care of them, isn't that what our taxes are for". that's all well and good, and the government should help those who have no where to turn. but let's not get lazy in our giving. find a cause that touches you; give to it generously.

give from what you have. if you are blessed with money, give it. if you are blessed with time, spend it. if you have skills and abilities that can be of use, put them to it. most of all, give with a joyful heart.



the problem of evil blog

a relatively new blog concerned solely with the aforesaid problem. this could be very interesting as it is often one of the last resorts of disbelievers.