
the cornett has arrived

last tuesday, my cornett from CMI finally arrived. it has been a long wait, but so far i'd say it was worth it. i have progressed from making rude, flatulent, noises to making sounds that might be considered to have a pitch! i think that i have got something close to an octave range on it now: d' - d''. according to the tutor book i should need to get to at least c' - a''' (historically the range of a cornett is g - d''', or maximally f - g'''!?). that's a ways off for this aspiring musician. here are some pix of my new fave toy:


what colour is the sky in your world?

i don't remember when the thought first occurred to me. the first recollection i have of it is talking to my brother in the kitchen on le jeune. what colour do you see the sky as? if i was in your head would i recognize it as blue? or would it look green or pink?

we all know the sky is blue because we have been told so. common colours are named, and we have accepted certain archetypal representations to point to. the sky is blue, grass is green, blood is red, paper is white, and so on. but, if i was in your head, would what your brain perceives look to me like that? there's no way to know. maybe if i could see what you see, it would be a psychedelic vision of fluorescent pink skies, blue trees, streets paved with gold, and populated with gray scale people.

could this account for people with a good sense for the visual arts? the colours they perceive line up well with the population average? and perhaps people who have the most aweful fashion sense... maybe it does look good to them... hmmm...

so, what colour is the sky in your world?


maverick philosopher

i have been doing a lot of reading about philosophy and appologetics the last while, thanks to my brother-in-law's brother-in-law. a recent addition to my links section has been that of the maverick philosopher. i have enjoyed reading a number of his blog posts. it's pretty heavy stuff, so be warned! thankfully he seems to be towards my way of thinking (as much as i've read so far anyways ;-) i hope to learn lots from his site. i would definitely recommend. his refutations of naturalism, scientism, positivism and relativism are brain expanding and welcome. enjoy!



following a link from my friend tim to wildwoodsurvival
to read an article about making fire with a chocolate bar and a pop can, i also came across a link to slinging. yes, i mean as in the ancient weapon of 'dangerous dave'! as with all things now, the revival of this ancient projectile flinging device has gone online. all i can say is, very cool.


colour science

what do you get when you mix psychology, physiology, computers, and a can of paint? i'm sure that these guys could help you figure it out... color matters.

colours affect moods. colours affect vision, your body, and have applications on a whole pile of stuff. does colour affect taste? these guys have an answer.